Hi, I’m Aron.I am very glad to be the teaching at Noz.A English school. Helping students learn English is wonderful and exciting. About me, I am an American from the Caribbean. My Island is beautiful and sunny. However, Nagano City is my home now and I have lived here for over 7 years. I especially enjoy Nozawana Oyaki as it is similar to food found on my island. “Oyaki is Life!” But I would have to say that Magurozushi, Buri Sushi and Tonjiru are also my favorite Japanese foods. Teaching is not a job, it is a passion for me. This means that I don’t only teach by the books. I want students to learn how to use English in any situation, for example: School Tests, Just for fun, Traveling Abroad, or with Foreign Visitors to Japan. This is because Japanese is my 4th language, so I understand that students get a bigger world from language learning. Let’s Learn!
長野が大好きで野沢菜おやきが大好物♪ レッスンの合間のスナックもおやきです(笑)

Hi! I’m Aileen, the New Owner member of Noz.A English school. My English nickname is Aileen. Please call me “Aileen”.
I was born in Rio De Janeiro Brazil, but I grew up in Nagano Prefecture. I’m a mother of two sons. My eldest son is going to be a first grade elementary school student this April. My younger son is a kindergartener. As for food, I’m a person who loves to eat! My favorite food is just plain rice.
I’m studying English because I love traveling and would like to be able to communicate with people from other countries. My motto is “Learning through life!”. I will do my best to ensure everyone enjoys their lessons at The English Noz.A English school. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.
はじめまして! オーナーのアイリーンです。
2人の息子のママで、息子と一緒にNoz.A English schoolを盛り上げていこうと思っています♪
Noz.A English schoolの窓口は私ですので何でもご相談ください。

Mrs. Vanessa【ヴァネッサ 先生】
・子ども英語 表現指導法
『愛を持って叱る』ことも時には大事。私のモットーです♪ Nozのみんなと一緒に、楽しみながら英語と友達になってほしいと思っています。